Window manufacturer to bring 504 jobs to Mansfield with manufacturing plant, regional headquarters

A New York-based window and door manufacturer plans to build an advanced manufacturing facility and regional corporate headquarters in mansfield, creating at least 504 new jobs, Gov. Greg Abbott’s office announced April 23. 

The company will spend more than $121 million in capital investment, according to the governor’s office. A Texas Enterprise Fund grant of $3.15 million has been extended to Crystal Window & Door Systems TX . In addition, the company received a $15,000 Veteran Created Job Bonus.

Crystal Window & Door Systems TX LTD., a subsidiary of Flushing, New York-based Crystal Window & Door Systems LTD., is a manufacturer of vinyl and aluminum windows and other openings for buildings.

“‘Made in Texas’ is a powerful global brand, and I congratulate Crystal Window & Door Systems on this significant investment in our great state,” said Abbott in a news release. “When choosing where to locate or expand their businesses, more and more innovative industry leaders choose Texas.” 

According to the city of Mansfield, Crystal Window & Door Systems will build on a 44-acre site west of Highway 287 and east of Justice Lane. The manufacturing facility will be constructed in four phases, with the first phase consisting of 650,000 square feet and result in an investment of $136 million. The headquarters will be built in the second phase adding about 100 corporate jobs. 

“They say, ‘When God closes a door, he opens a window,’ but I believe this partnership is a wide open door and window for Mansfield and the state of Texas,” said Mansfield Mayor Michael Evans in the news release. “This is economic development in action, and it would not be possible without the hard work of city and state staff showing why Mansfield and Texas are where businesses want to be.”

Crystal Window & Door Systems was founded in 1990 and now has five manufacturing plants across the U.S. 

Bob Francis is business editor for the Fort Worth Report. Contact him at [email protected]

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