Traffic authorities tow motorcycles parked on Cancun Hotel zone sidewalk

Cancun, Q.R. — At least five motorcycles found parked on a Cancun sidewalk were towed Saturday. The City of Cancun towed the illegally parked motorcycles from outside a Cancun hotel.

According to Cancun Police, the mass tow was due to citizen reports of the motorcycle drivers failing to respect public space. A tow truck was arranged by Cancun’s Municipal Transit Department to remove the motorcycles from a Cancun Hotel Zone sidewalk.

According to Cancun Director of Traffic Ezequiel Segovia Góngora, the vehicles were fined and removed from the sidewalk for blocking pedestrian access.

“As a result of citizen complaints and with the aim of ensuring the safe circulation of pedestrians through respect for public spaces, personnel from the Municipal Traffic Department undertook an operation called “Rescue of sidewalks, pavements and continuous circulation routes” on Boulevard Kukulcán.

“On this occasion, the operation was carried out at Kilometer 19 that comprises the municipal section of the Hotel Zone where seven fines were issued in accordance with Article 120, Section I of the Traffic Regulations.

“Of these vehicles, five were parked in areas exclusively for pedestrians, so they were sent to the vehicle depot with the support of tow trucks, as indicated in Article 7 Section VI.

Five of the seven parked motorcycle were towed from a Cancun Hotel Zone sidewalk. Photo: June 15, 2024.

“According to the Regulation, vehicles must not be parked on sidewalks, curbs or areas where pedestrians circulate in order to prevent them from walking in the traffic lane.”


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