Tow truck drivers damages Reidsville yard

There were giant ruts, almost 12 inches deep in the grass.

REIDSVILLE, N.C. — Ask Santha Davis about her Reidsville property and her face lights up. She starts to smile, and her eyes get big as if she’s excited to share the story.

Her grandfather bought the land back in the 1940s.

“My grandfather had 99 acres, all of this (land) around the pond was owned by him,” Davis said.

The property has a giant pond in the middle of the land. A few acres have been sold off over the years, but a lot of the land is in the family. Davis lives in a home on one side of the pond and has another house on the other side.

“It’s so peaceful and beautiful out here,” Davis said.

The sprawling hillside is covered in beautiful green grass, while a handful of trees dot the land.

“You have the house overlooking the pond, it’s really enjoyable,” Davis said.

Earlier this year Davis received a call from the tenant who lives in the house she owns. A tow truck had pulled down the gravel road and instead of backing up decided to make a wide U-turn on the grass.

The area was wet from a recent rain and the tow truck became stuck. The driver tried to hit the gas to get out but that only made things worse. Not only was he stuck he made giant ruts in the grass.

“They were going to a house at the (other) end of the road, they came to the wrong house,” Davis said.

The tow company had to call another tow truck to get it. It took an hour or so but eventually, the second tow truck was able to pull the other one out.

Once the trucks were out the drivers just left without knocking on the house door. Fortunately, the tenant saw the trucks and wrote down the name of the company. The tenant then contacted Davis to let her know what was going on.

“They know they damaged my property, all they had to do was get my contact info and contact me,” Davis said.

The next day Davis called the tow company to explain what happened and ask them to fix it. Davis waited several weeks but never heard back.

“It was like three weeks, and I still hadn’t heard anything, that’s when I moved forward and contacted your station,” Davis said.

We immediately called the tow company and spoke with a supervisor. The representative told us it would investigate the matter and get back to us.

A week later Davis received a check in the mail to pay for the damage.

“I got the check within five days,” Davis said.

Davis hired a landscaper to come out and repair the damage. The land is now rut-free, and the grass has already grown over the area damaged by the tow trucks.

“Thank you so much,” Davis said.


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