CMPD: Man Arrested After Stealing Amazon Delivery Truck While Trying To Flee Police

Cmpd Man Arrested After Stealing Amazon Delivery Truck While Trying To Flee Police

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CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Police say a man has been arrested after he stole an Amazon delivery truck while trying to flee from officers.

CMPD says they were made aware of a stolen Ford F-250 that was entering their jurisdiction just after 11am on Thursday, June 27th. Officers attempted to conduct a traffic stop on the vehicle on Sam Wilson Road at West Pointe Drive.

The driver of the stolen truck failed to stop and fled the scene at a high rate of speed, according to a news release.

CMPD’s Aviation Unit tracked the truck as it moved through parts of Charlotte and eventually came to a stop on Pressley Road in south Charlotte, according to police. Investigators say the driver and a passenger in the stolen truck jumped from the vehicle and ran from police.

With the assistance of good samaritans, the K-9 unit and other CMPD agencies, the passenger, 26-year-old Michael Watts, was located hiding in a nearby dumpster. Watts reportedly has multiple outstanding warrants in both Mecklenburg and Gaston Counties, according to police.

The driver of the truck, 28-year-old Devin Mitchell, is accused of stealing an unoccupied Amazon deliver truck that was left running while the Amazon employee was making deliveries, according to a news release.

Investigators say CMPD’s Aviation Unit followed the stolen delivery truck into Lincoln County where Mitchell jumped and ran from the vehicle. Mitchell was quickly located by responding officers and taken into custody.

No other details have been released at this time. Check back for updates.


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