Alexander's Andrea Nunez commits to University of Texas-Arlington

Alexaner's Andrea Nunez announced her commitment to UT-<a href=arlington on Sunday." loading="eager" src="" style="aspect-ratio:3 / 2" class="x100 y100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block mnh0px fill"/>

Alexaner's Andrea Nunez announced her commitment to UT-Arlington on Sunday.

Garrett Kroeger/Laredo Morning Times

Alexander’s Andrea Nunez dreamt of playing Division I college volleyball ever since she was young. And on Sunday, she took a major step in accomplishing that dream. 

Nunez – a senior-to-be – announced her commitment to the University of Texas-Arlington – a Division I program that competes in the Western Athletic Conference – on Sunday. And the opportunity to play for the Mavs is one she can't stop smiling about. 

“It’s awesome,” Nunez said of the commitment. “I think I have some weight off my shoulders. Thank you to my coaches because without them, I wouldn’t be who I am today.” 

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The offer to play for Texas-Arlington was one that only came up recently. Other big-time programs such as the University of Michigan and University of Utah had shown interest in Nunez before the Mavs did. However, the opportunity to play for Texas-Arlington was one Nunez knew she had to jump at immediately. 

Nunez was looking for a team that could utilize her skillsets immediately. She didn’t want to wait potentially two or three years before touching a collegiate court. She wanted to join a program that gave her the best chance to play valuable minutes as a freshman. And the Mavs offered that and more. 

“The opportunity they gave me was excellent,” Nunez said. 

According to Nunez, Texas-Arlington extended a full-ride scholarship. Other programs that had shown interest only offered partial scholarships. So, knowing that her future education is taken care of is a huge plus. 

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While Texas-Arlington could allow Nunez to play immediately, another factor in her decision to choose the Mavs is that it’s in Texas. Although Nunez would have been comfortable playing out-of-state, she wanted to play for a Texas university as it would allow her family to come and support her more often. So, knowing that her family won’t have to travel far to see her play is a huge benefit. 

Nunez’s commitment after a strong junior campaign from her with the Lady Bulldogs. This past season, Nunez dominated as she recorded 294 kills to help Alexander finish first in District 30-6A. Her performance helped her be named the District 30-6A Hitter of the Year, Laredo Morning Times All-City Hitter of the Year and KGNS Most Valuable Player, too, this past season. 

With her commitment out of the way, Nunez can now focus on her upcoming senior season. And for her, she has a lot of goals still left that she wants to accomplish. 

“I have a lot of goals set,” Nunez said of her upcoming senior season. “I want to hit that 1,000-kill club and become a better passer. Better leader, too. Just the little stuff.” 

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The Mavs compete in the Western Athletic Conference with schools like Stephen F. Austin, Grand Canyon and Tarleton State. This past season, the Orange & Blue went 21-11 overall and 9-7 in conference play.  

While Nunez is excited for her upcoming senior campaign, she can’t wait to play for Texas-Arlington in a little over a year. She’s excited to know that her future home is set. She’s excited to know that the Mavs envision her as an immediate contributor. And she can’t wait to don the Orange & Blue and continue to grow as a player at Texas-Arlington. 

“I just want to get better,” Nunez said. “Just because I am committed, doesn’t mean I am done yet. I still have my senior year (at Alexander) and then my freshman, sophomore, junior and senior years at UTA. That’s my goal – to get better.” 

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