Oxford looking to get tough on towing Published 2:47 pm Thursday, April 4, 2024 The Oxford Board of Aldermen is considering an ordinance amendment that will provide strict oversight of the towing of vehicles from both public and private property. On Tuesday, Mayor Robyn Tannehill read several emails she’s received from visitors to Oxford and […]
arlington, Texas (AP) — The Houston Astros will feel quite at home when on the road for the first time this season in the other Texas ballpark with a World Series champion. A week into the new season after the Rangers won baseball’s ultimate prize, even after two-time world champion Houston was again the AL […]
The global apparel retailer will also expand its presence in California as part of accelerated U.S. growth strategy NEW YORK, April 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- UNIQLO will open its first stores in Texas in Houston and dallas, and extend its west coast presence, including new cities San Diego and Sacramento, this Fall/Winter. In total, the brand will […]
If you're new here, there's something you should know about me: I love trucks. I've owned old trucks, new trucks, red trucks and... actually, I've never owned a blue truck before. But I just bought a blue 2006 Toyota Prius! As my coworkers will tell you, I'm way too excited about it, and given my […]
Homefront Local uses a unique algorithm to score lawn care companies based on important factors like user reviews and how popular they are in your area. A well-maintained lawn increases your home's curb appeal while creating a comfortable outdoor living space. It also offers a memorable first impression to potential guests. Take advantage of the […]
URBANA, Ill. (WCIA) — Illinois State Police and the Urbana Fire Department responded to a tow truck fire on Interstate 74 Thursday afternoon. The fire happened around 3:30 p.m. at Milepost 184 near the exit to University Avenue. Mark Ashby, a Battalion Chief with the Urbana Fire Department, said firefighters were on the scene for […]
Photo Courtesy: Kentaroo Tryman/Getty Images roadside assistance programs are very popular among American consumers. After all, there are nearly 110 million cars driving on highways in the United States, the home of the road trip. Aside from the big names like AAA and Good Samaritan, many major insurance companies offer some form of roadside assistance as […]
mansfield 2040 logo"/> The City of Mansfield has updated the city’s Future Land Use Plan, officially called Mansfield 2040: Our Plan, Our Guide, Our Future. This long-range planning document guides the community’s growth and physical development for the next 10 to 20 years. The plan focuses on Mansfield’s future land uses and planning for special […]
Abel Tuyisenge used Amazon’s Career Choice program to earn his commercial driver’s license and grow his career. Follow along as he shares his journey and a typical day in his week. I was born in the Democratic Republic of Congo, but I left at the age of 15 because of war and political issues. I […]
CITY officials are trying to make room for droves of vehicles set to take public parking ahead of three major downtown events. Police are looking for drivers with several unpaid parking tickets ahead of a big weekendCredit: Fox 8Obie Shelton, a spokesperson for the city, said drivers with at least five tickets must pay upCredit: […]