Mansfield, Texas, Earthquake: Tremors Felt In Dallas-Fort Worth Area

Updated May 2, 2024, 00:49 IST

A small 3.0 magnitude earthquake was recorded near mansfield, Texas, Wednesday afternoon. Tremors were felt in the dallas-Fort Worth Area. According to the US Geological Survey, the quake struck shortly after 1 p.m. local time. The epicenter was Mansfield, which is located approximately 35 miles southwest of Dallas. As of now, there are no immediate reports of injuries or significant damage.

A small 3.0 magnitude earthquake was recorded near Mansfield, Texas, Wednesday afternoon. Tremors were felt in the Dallas-Fort Worth Area. According to the US Geological Survey, the quake struck shortly after 1 p.m. local time. The epicenter was Mansfield, which is located approximately 35 miles southwest of Dallas. It was recorded about 3 miles deep. Aftershocks were felt in the area. As of now, there are no immediate reports of injuries or significant damage.

According to reports, tremors were felt in Burleson, Midlothian, Cedar Hill, arlington, Fort Worth, and grand prairie. Volcano Discovery, a website that tracks earthquakes, received several reports of shaking.

"Heard a loud boom- I thought a car wrecked into my house, or the train behind us wrecked, but I saw nothing so I checked to see if it was an earthquake - there was no damage just dishes clanking for just a few seconds- my dog went to the closet that we go to in tornado weather, he looks confused, but he’s still in the closet- lol," one Mansfield resident wrote.

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A resident of Venus wrote, "I was laying across the bed and it felt like something hit the side of our house. The headboard and bed both shook. I jumped up and wondered if I had imagined it until a few minutes later. It happened again."

Another resident wrote, "Whole house vibrated for a few seconds. Whole neighborhood felt it and were all outside trying to see what was going on."

"Felt it very well. Shook the house from side to side. Lasted about 2 seconds Aftershock followed with shaking," wrote another resident of Mansfield.


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