Marion, IL police ask for public's help after black and pink truck stolen - KBSI Fox 23 Cape Girardeau News

Marion, Illinois police ask the public to look out for a stolen black and pink truck. (Source: City of Marion IL Police Dept/Facebook)

Marion, Illinois police ask the public to look out for a stolen black and pink truck. (Source: City of Marion IL Police Dept/Facebook)

Anyone who sees the truck with/without the white female believed to be involved is asked to call the Marion Police Department at (618-993-2124) (Source: City of Marion IL Police Dept/Facebook)

Anyone who sees the truck with/without the white female believed to be involved is asked to call the Marion Police Department at (618-993-2124) (Source: City of Marion IL Police Dept/Facebook)

stole black and pink truck Source City of Marion IL Police Dept Facebook3

Anyone who sees the truck with/without the white female believed to be involved is asked to call the Marion Police Department at (618-993-2124) (Source: City of Marion IL Police Dept/Facebook)

Anyone who sees the truck with/without the white female believed to be involved is asked to call the Marion Police Department at (618-993-2124) (Source: City of Marion IL Police Dept/Facebook)

Marion, Illinois police ask the public to look out for a stolen black and pink truck. (Source: City of Marion IL Police Dept/Facebook)

Marion, Illinois police ask the public to look out for a stolen black and pink truck. (Source: City of Marion IL Police Dept/Facebook)

Marion, Illinois police ask the public to look out for a stolen black and pink truck. (Source: City of Marion IL Police Dept/Facebook)

Marion, Illinois police ask the public to look out for a stolen black and pink truck. (Source: City of Marion IL Police Dept/Facebook)

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MARION, Ill. (KBSI) – Police in Marion, Illinois ask for the public’s help finding the driver of a black and pink truck believed to b involved in a theft.

Police say a unique black and pink Chevy truck was stolen from the 400 block of W. Main Street in Marion around 12:45 p.m. on Monday, July 15.

Anyone with information of anyone who sees this truck with or without the white female believed to be involved in this theft is asked to call the Marion Police Department at 618-993-2124 or his/her local police department immediately.


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