Photos: Texas (UIL) 6A state high school girls basketball championship

SAN ANTONIO — Mariah Clayton scored a game-high 19 points and grabbed nine rebounds to lead Duncanville over South grand prairie 59-41 on Saturday night in the Texas (UIL) 6A state girls basketball championship at the Alamodome.

It marked the 12th UIL state girls basketball title for the Panthers (35-4).

Chloe Mann had 13 points for Duncanville, which outscored the Warriors 18-9 in the third period to take command.

Taylor Barnes led South Grand Prairie (33-4) with 13 points while Taliyah Parker finished with 10.

Duncanville thumps South Grand Prairie for 12th Texas (UIL) state girls basketball title: 'The legacy never died'

All photos and video by Tommy Hays for SBLive Sports

Duncanville vs South Grand Prairie UIL 6A Final March 2, 2024 Photo-Tommy Hays51Duncanville vs South Grand Prairie UIL 6A Final March 2, 2024 Photo-Tommy Hays52Duncanville vs South Grand Prairie UIL 6A Final March 2, 2024 Photo-Tommy Hays53Duncanville vs South Grand Prairie UIL 6A Final March 2, 2024 Photo-Tommy Hays54Duncanville vs South Grand Prairie UIL 6A Final March 2, 2024 Photo-Tommy Hays55Duncanville vs South Grand Prairie UIL 6A Final March 2, 2024 Photo-Tommy Hays56Duncanville vs South Grand Prairie UIL 6A Final March 2, 2024 Photo-Tommy Hays57Duncanville vs South Grand Prairie UIL 6A Final March 2, 2024 Photo-Tommy Hays58Duncanville vs South Grand Prairie UIL 6A Final March 2, 2024 Photo-Tommy Hays59

Duncanville vs South Grand Prairie UIL 6A Final March 2, 2024 Photo-Tommy Hays60Duncanville vs South Grand Prairie UIL 6A Final March 2, 2024 Photo-Tommy Hays61Duncanville vs South Grand Prairie UIL 6A Final March 2, 2024 Photo-Tommy Hays62Duncanville vs South Grand Prairie UIL 6A Final March 2, 2024 Photo-Tommy Hays63Duncanville vs South Grand Prairie UIL 6A Final March 2, 2024 Photo-Tommy Hays64


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