RAC's Electric Roadside Assistance Van in Perth: Reactions

RAC Launches Electric Roadside Assistance Van in Perth: A Mixed Response from Tesla Owners Club

In a move towards comprehensive roadside assistance for electric vehicle (EV) owners, The Royal Automobile Club (RAC) of Western Australia has launched its first electric roadside assistance van in Perth. This innovative service features a mobile charger capable of providing stranded EVs with enough power for 15km of range in approximately 20 minutes. The aim is to help EV drivers reach the nearest charging station, a significant step in supporting the growing EV community in the region.

Reactions from Tesla Owners Club of Western Australia

Peter Petrovsky, a spokesperson for the Tesla Owners Club of Western Australia (TOCWA), offered a nuanced response to the initiative. While he acknowledged the good intentions of the RAC, he questioned the true necessity of the service. According to Petrovsky, EVs are unlikely to run out of charge due to their accurate range indicators and the multiple charging options available.

Highlighting the daily driving experience of EV owners, Petrovsky shared his personal experience with Tesla vehicles. He emphasized that EV drivers usually begin each day with substantial driving range, reducing the chances of running out of power. Through extensive use of his own Tesla vehicles, he claimed to have never found himself stranded due to a lack of charge.

Expanding Charging Network and Potential Stereotypes

Another point Petrovsky raised was the fast-growing network of DC chargers in Western Australia. These chargers, soon to be available every 200km, could make the mobile charger service somewhat redundant in urban areas. He voiced his concern that the service might inadvertently fuel negative stereotypes among non-EV drivers about the viability of electric vehicles in Perth and Western Australia.

In conclusion, while RAC’s electric roadside assistance van service is a forward-thinking initiative, its necessity and impact on the public perception of EVs have been called into question. Only time will reveal the true value and effect of this venture on the EV landscape in Western Australia.


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