If you need to carry more cargo than your car can hold, you can use a trailer. This is more economical and logistically simpler than, say, adding a second vehicle and driver. Fascinatingly, this concept may soon be applied to cargo planes, thanks to a Texas-based startup called Aerolane. They were inspired not by U-Haul, […]
dallas — A 30-year-old woman is charged with murder after telling police she shot another woman in Dallas. Just after 5 a.m. Saturday, 30-year-old Kelsie Miles walked into the grand prairie Police Department and said she shot another woman in Dallas. Miles also gave police an address in the 4700 block of Colwick Ave. Grand […]
A reinforcing shot of cooler air moved into Texas late this past weekend. This brings chilly mornings to kick off the week across North Texas. Afternoon highs will only be in the low 60s on Monday. This is close to ten degrees cooler than the normal for this time of the year. Light winds, clear […]
The Camel Ski School – Rock Water Sports has recently highlighted the importance of obtaining the SBD2 qualification for individuals looking to engage in towing activities on the Camel Estuary. Since 2016, the Camel Estuary has mandated this qualification for anyone aiming to secure a ski permit for their vessel. The certification is crucial for […]
LAS VEGAS (AP) — Tyon Grant-Foster scored 22 points, Ray Harrison added 15 of his 19 in the second half and top-seeded Grand Canyon beat UT arlington 89-74 Saturday night to win the Western Athletic Conference Tournament for the second consecutive season and clinch an automatic berth in the NCAA Tournament. The Lopes have appeared […]
AAA’s Basic plan covers towing back to the responding truck’s station, to an AAA Car Care shop within 10 miles or to another repair shop within three miles. The Plus plan covers towing up to 100 miles and the Premier plan covers one 200-mile tow per year. The only thing that differentiates State Farm’s roadside […]
BROOKLYN, N.Y. (PIX11) – A fight over a towed car turned deadly in East Flatbush, New York City, Saturday when a 61-year-old died after being punched, police said. The fight started Saturday around 8:45 p.m. on Clarkson Avenue near Rockaway Parkway as a 30-year-old tow truck driver attempted to tow Carlyle Thomas’ car, according to […]
By Amanda Rogers mansfield Record Filing for the Mansfield City Council and Mansfield ISD school board elections opens Jan. 17 and runs through Feb. 16. Elections will be held May 4. All seats are for three-year terms. On the Mansfield ISD school board, the Place 1 seat, currently held by Michelle Newsom, and the Place […]
Some cities in the Lone Star State are in the path of totality as the 2024 eclipse travels across the country. Many are having festivals and other events. HOUSTON — Texas will be the opening act when the 2024 total eclipse moves across the US on Monday, April 8, 2024. The eclipse will travel […]
WORTHINGTON — The Worthington Fire Department was dispatched at 11:58 a.m. Thursday to a pick-up on fire in the driveway at 613 Betty Ave., Worthington. ${t||""}${r?`(${n}: ${r})`.replace(/s+/g," "):""} `;var i=n(2799),o=n(974);function s(e,t){const{message:n,code:s}=t,a=r(e.get("id"),n,e.get("localization").errors.errorCode,s.toString()),l=e.get("width"),c=e.get("height"),u=(0,i.az)(a);return(0,o.oB)(u,{width:l.toString().indexOf("%")>0?l:`${l}px`,height:c.toString().indexOf("%")>0?c:`${c}px`}),u}},9926:(e,t,n)=>{"use strict";n.d(t,{Z:()=>c});var r=n(1776),i=n(2799),o=n(974);const s=[];let a=-1;const l=()=>{(0,r.W)(a),a=(0,r.U)((()=>{s.forEach((e=>{e.view.updateBounds();const t=e.view.model.get("containerWidth");e.resized=e.width!==t,e.width=t})),s.forEach((e=>{e.contractElement.scrollLeft=2*e.width})),s.forEach((e=>{(0,o.oB)(e.expandChild,{width:e.width+1}),e.resized&&e.view.model.get("visibility")&&e.view.updateStyles()})),s.forEach((e=>{e.expandElement.scrollLeft=e.width+1})),s.forEach((e=>{e.resized&&e.view.checkResized()}))}))};class c{constructor(e,t,n){const r={display:"block",position:"absolute",top:0,left:0},a={width:"100%",height:"100%"},c=(0,i.az)(''),u=c.firstChild,d=u.firstChild,p=u.nextSibling;(0,o.oB)([u,p],Object.assign({overflow:"auto"},r,a)),(0,o.oB)(c,Object.assign({},r,a)),this.expandElement=u,this.expandChild=d,this.contractElement=p,this.hiddenElement=c,this.element=e,this.view=t,this.model=n,this.width=0,this.resized=!1,e.firstChild?e.insertBefore(c,e.firstChild):e.appendChild(c),e.addEventListener("scroll",l,!0),s.push(this),l()}destroy(){if(this.view){const e=s.indexOf(this);-1!==e&&s.splice(e,1),this.element.removeEventListener("scroll",l,!0),this.element.removeChild(this.hiddenElement),this.view=this.model=null}}}},4671:(e,t,n)=>{"use strict";n.d(t,{Z:()=>f});var r=n(6875);const i=[],o=[],s=[],a={};let l,c=!1;const u=(e,t)=>{for(let n=t.length;n--;){const r=t[n];if(e.target===r.getContainer()){r.setIntersection(e);break}}},d=()=>{i.forEach((e=>{e.model.set("activeTab",(0,r.Z)())}))},p=(e,t)=>{const n=t.indexOf(e);-1!==n&&t.splice(n,1)},h=e=>{s.forEach((t=>{t(e)}))};document.addEventListener("visibilitychange",d),document.addEventListener("webkitvisibilitychange",d),window.addEventListener("beforeunload",(()=>{document.removeEventListener("visibilitychange",d),document.removeEventListener("webkitvisibilitychange",d),window.removeEventListener("scroll",h)}));const f={add(e){i.push(e)},remove(e){p(e,i)},addScrollHandler(e){c||(c=!0,window.addEventListener("scroll",h)),s.push(e)},removeScrollHandler(e){const t=s.indexOf(e);-1!==t&&s.splice(t,1)},addWidget(e){o.push(e)},removeWidget(e){p(e,o)},size:()=>i.length,observe(e){(()=>{const e=window.IntersectionObserver;l||(l=new e((e=>{if(null!=e&&e.length)for(let t=e.length;t--;){const n=e[t];u(n,i),u(n,o)}}),{threshold:[0,.1,.2,.3,.4,.5,.6,.7,.8,.9,1]}))})(),a[e.id]||(a[e.id]=!0,l.observe(e))},unobserve(e){l&&a[e.id]&&(delete a[e.id],l.unobserve(e))}}},2445:(e,t,n)=>{"use strict";n.d(t,{ZP:()=>k,qG:()=>w});var […]